fitmefit –

Membership – Premium Account

Here you will find all the important information about your Premium Membership

Membership – Premium Account

Aktionsstatus: Kann ich den Aktionsstatus nachträglich eintragen?

Yes. You can enter an action status in your profile afterwards.

Awards: Was sind Awards?

Our users can achieve 2 different awards: an Ac tivity Award (the fitmefit male in bronze, silver and gold) for high activities (measured by won Fitmees) (only for premium users), and a Community Award (the star in bronze, silver and gold) (measured by the number of posts in the Fitmefit Portal) (for all users). The awards each have 3 levels. To see what award status you currently have, click:Profile -& gt; click on the Award > and you'll see the levels shown

Challenges: Wenn ich einer Challenge beitrete, welche Daten werden genommen?

Depending on the challenge, all your data will be considered for the duration of the challenge. This means that when you enter in the middle of the challenge, your data from the beginning of the challenge will be taken into account. It depends on the challenge which data is taken into account, these can be steps, METS or even calories.

Fitmeees: Für welchen Zweck werden meine Fitmeees gespendet?

Fitmeees can be donated. The purpose of the donation can be found in the information in the "Donate Fitmeees" section.

Fitmeees: Wie und Wo kann ich meine fitmeees einlösen?

Under you can redeem your fitmeees. Please contact our support team for further processing.

Fitmeees: Wieviele Fitmeees erhalte ich beim Erreichen meiner Monatsziele?

A Premium member receives 30 fitmeees, a Basic User does not receive fitmeees.

Nahrungsmittel: Was sind die Favoriten bei den Lebensmitteln?

Premium members can assemble the foods/menus you eat frequently in a favorites list to add to the overview more quickly.

Nahrungsmittel: Wie funktioniert - Ein einzelnes Nahrungsmittel einfügen?

To select a food, follow the following path:"Food&q uot; -> "Add" -> from List and Enter Quantity -> "Save"

Nahrungsmittel: Wo sehe ich eine Summe der von mir aufgenommenen Nahrungsbestandteile?

In the "10 Days" area, you can see a collection in table form. On the last line you will find the total numbers.

Rezepte: Kann ich die von mir eingestellten Rezepte wieder löschen?

Yes, you always have the option to delete all the recipes you entered on fitmefit.

Rezepte: Woher weiß ich welche Rezepte "gut" sind?

This collection of recipes does not claim to be subject to current nutrition studies. The primary aim is to provide guidance to those who wish to use the portal to exchange recipes. Due to the good or bad evaluation of the recipes by other users, you can see if a recipe is considered "good" or "bad". HMM reserves the right to delete recipes.  The recipes come from other users. HMM accepts no liability for incorrect recipes.

Routen: Wie funktioniert - Eine Route laufen?

There are two ways to walk a route. You walk the route alone, or you run the route in a challenge. To walk the route alone, follow the following path: "Routes" – Selection of the continent/Selection whether it should be a short or long route – click on the route – "START". To run the route as a challenge, follow the path to the actual route and then click "Start as challenge".  Then click on "Invite" and select from your Fitmego list the ones you want to invite.

Routen: Wie funktioniert - Eine Route bewerten?

After you create a route or participate in a route, you can assign points (1-5) to the route at the bottom of the screen. 5 points is the best score.

Routen: Wie funktioniert - Eine Route bewerten?

After you create a route or participate in a route, you can assign points (1-5) to the route at the bottom of the screen. 5 points is the best score.

Teamfunktion: Müssen alle Teammitglieder Fitmegoes sein?

No, these can be all users who have received the invitation and accepted it.

Welche Funktionen bietet der Premium Account?

The Premium Account offers all the features of the base account plus:
  • Challenges
  • Routes
  • Food lists
  • recipes
  • Daily reports
  • Sweepstakes
  • Collect Fitmeees
  • Action status
  • Training
  • Value display of the body analysis scale (water balance, body fat, muscle mass and bone content) (with existing balance)

Aktionsstatus: Was bedeutet Aktionsstatus?

Action status means that for a certain period of time you can specify what activity you have performed during that time, for example, that you have just played football during that time. Here the calorie consumption is higher than usual. Here the calories are converted accordingly. This applies as soon as the time was longer than 20 minutes.

Bekomme ich eine Nachricht als Erinnerung, wann meine Premium Account Mitgliedschaft endet?

Yes. You will receive a message 14 days before expiration. Your Premium Account will NOT be automatically renewed. Once this has expired, your profile will be reset to the Basic version.

Challenges: Wenn ich einer Challenge beitrete, welche Daten werden genommen?

Depending on the challenge, all your data will be considered for the duration of the challenge. This means that when you enter in the middle of the challenge, your data from the beginning of the challenge will be taken into account. It depends on the challenge which data is taken into account, these can be steps, METS or even calories.

Fitmeees: Was sind fitmeees?

Fitmeees are points that are collected by premium users and are available as motivation. They correspond to a certain value. Fitmeees can be redeemed as vouchers in our hshop or used to renew your membership.

Fitmeees: Wie viel ist ein fitmeee wert?

A fitmeee has the equivalent of 0.005€

Gruppen: Was ist eine Untergruppe?

Several subgroups can be established in each group. The members of a group can be assigned to a subgroup to make .B group challenges more comparable.

Nahrungsmittel: Welche Bedeutung hat die 10 Tage Übersicht?

As a premium member, you can use the "10 Days Overview" to view your personal food intake for the last 10 days. You can switch between a table view and a chart view.

Nahrungsmittel: Wie funktioniert - Eine Mahlzeit erstellen?

To create a meal, follow the path:"Food" -& gt; "Create meal" -type in > the title of the meal and select individual food center from the list -> "Save"

Rezepte: Kann ich auch Rezepte von anderen Usern suchen?

Yes, this is possible via the search bar under "Recipes". To do this, write .B. a part of the recipe in the search bar and all recipes with this component will be displayed to you.

Rezepte: Kann ich meine Lieblingsrezepte wieder löschen?

Yes, this is possible at any time.

Routen: Was ist eine virtuelle Route?

A virtual route is a predefined route that you can follow without being on site. Each route has a certain length, which requires a certain number of steps based on your personal stride length. You would like to know .B how long it would take you to walk from Cologne to Düsseldorf? Select the route, and after you have collected all the necessary steps, you will receive a message with your "result" how long it took you to complete the route.

Routen: Wie funktioniert - Ein Rezept online stellen?

To publish a recipe within the community, you have to do the following:Recipes -> &q uot;Add Recipe" -> fill the mask with the ingredients and the description -> "Save&quot ;The recipes are only visible to your Fitmegos

Routen: Wie funktioniert - Eine Routen-Challenge starten?

To run the route as a challenge, follow the path to the actual route and then click "Start as challenge".  Then click on "Invite" and select from your Fitmego list the ones you want to invite.

Teamfunktion: Was ist die Teamfunktion?

Users can create a team and invite other users. A team consists of a maximum of 8 members. When the user accepts the invitation, the team leader gains access to data/activities of the entire team and can manage and support you.

Wie kann ich von meinem Basic Account auf einen Premium Account upgraden?

You can upgrade your Basic Account to a Premium Account either by purchasing a fitmefit package or by PayPal. You can obtain the fitmefit packages at the following page: To purchase your Premium Account through PayPal, go to "Premium" via "Profile". If you have purchased a fitmefit package, you can enter the license number here, otherwise you can click on the corresponding duration.

Wieso bekomme ich 2 Kurven bei der Kalorientabelle angezeigt?

Premium members have the option to create a table with the foods they have been absorbed in the "Food" section, and thus also the calories they have been absorbed. This is compared to the calories consumed in the diagram, so that you always have an eye on your calorie status.

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