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smartLAB Blood Glucose Measurement Systems General

Topics on general information for smartLAB blood glucose measurement systems

smartLAB Blood Glucose Measurement Systems General

Measurement errors when using smartLAB blood glucose monitoring systems

We receive a lot of messages from customers that the measurement results with the smartLAB blood glucose measurement system would not be correct.

Many diabetics are familiar with this problem. There are many reasons why the results cannot be correct.

It's best to see this post. So you can measure correctly.

See also this Post

Comparison of blood glucose monitoring systems with one another.

Since the glucose concentration in whole blood is lower than in serum/plasma, differently calibrated devices cannot be compared with each other.

Each approved measuring instrument has a deviation of +- 15% to the laboratory value. This is according to the ISO 15197:2015 standard. If you compare 2 different blood glucose meters, there may be 30% deviations in extreme cases. This does not mean that one of these devices measures incorrectly.

If you want to make sure that your device measures correctly, measure your blood sugar soberly on the device and at the same time via the laboratory at the doctor's office. Compare the results. Here, the result of the device must not deviate more than +- 15% from the laboratory.

Read this article:

See also this Post

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