smartLAB –

smartLAB pocket, imask and face

Here you will find important information about the wellness products smartLAB pocket, imask and face

smartLAB pocket, imask and face

smartLAB imask - Which settings can I make in the smartLAB imask and how can I start it?

The smartLAB imask has 3 different programs:


Deep cleaning and circulatory improvement


Nutrient transfer and skin beautification


Skin balance and firming

Detailed information can be found in the manual on page 9.

To get to the program selection, turn on the device by pressing the power button and select the desired program by using the Select button. The up and down buttons allow you to set the time. To confirm your selection, press the Power button.

smartLAB imask - Where can I find the disposable masks and how do I use them?

The disposable masks can be found in the top insert in the set, in which the device is also inserted. On the side you will find an opening where you can find the disposable masks.

To use the disposable mask, moisturize one of the 5 included rollers until it has completely dissolved or spread. Now the mask can be used according to application request.

smartLAB pocket: Why can't I increase the intensity on my smartLAB pocket?

The intensity is increased during the simulation.

To do this, do the following:

Follow the steps in the instructions. In the last step, the duration is set, which can be confirmed by pressing the power button.

After that, the simulation begins. The intensity symbol (looks like a small triangle) starts flashing. To increase the intensity press the "Up" button twice. On the first click, the triangle stops flashing, after the second click a new icon appears. To continue to increase the intensity, proceed in the same way.

Press the Up button twice. The first time the triangle starts flashing, the second press appears a new triangle.

Be sure to increase the intensity only slowly.

To reduce them again, use the down button.

smartLAB imask - Why are there two electrode pads in the set?

The electrode pads are designed to create a circuit so that the ions can work better during treatment. You only need one of the pads to use. The other serves as a substitute. Plug the smartLAB imask's second socket plug into the electrode pad and attach it to either your shoulder or upper arm.

smartLAB imask - What is the function of the enclosed rubbers?

The rubbers included in the set are designed to attach the mask in such a way that it cannot fall down during use. The rubbers are attached to one side of the plastic buttons of the mask and pulled behind the ear. Thus, the mask cannot fall down.

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