smartLAB –

smartLAB Pedometer General

Here you will find all important information about smartLAB pedometer General

smartLAB Pedometer General

Where should I wear the pedometer while cycling?

Here it is recommended to attach the pedometer to the feet (in the socks or in the shoe). However, the steps or distance are not recorded correctly, but this is better than no recording at all in this sport.

Where should I wear the pedometer while cycling?

Here it is recommended to attach the pedometer to the feet (in the socks or in the shoe). However, the steps or distance are not recorded correctly, but this is better than no recording at all in this sport.

Why does the pedometer show more steps that may not correspond to the distance walked?

The device is very accurate but also sensitive. Every movement counts. If you carry it .B in your pocket, handbag or similar, where the device has a lot of room for manoeuvre, then the pedometer also registers its own movement in the pocket. As a rule, it is up to 30% more. Therefore, it is always recommended to wear the device on the body, so that only the body movement is recorded here.

When I drive my car, the pedometer still counts. What can I do here?

Our pedometers are very sensitive and can therefore count movements even during the car journey.

How do I determine the stride length?

There are several ways to calculate your individual stride length. The easiest way is to measure the length of a single step using a tape measure.

However, it is important here that you never have the same stride length and different walking and running styles depending on the route.

For this reason, an average value is determined for the stride length over any distance.
You now choose a distance from which you know exactly how long it is or measure any distance with, for example, a odometer.

Then you run them with the pedometer. The average stride length is now calculated as follows: The distance travelled (specified in cm) divided by the number of steps required for this.

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