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Device Management

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Device Management

My Seriennummer auf dem Gerät ist nicht mehr zu erkennen. Wie finde ich die Seriennummer meines Gerätes heraus?

On the PC Gateway there is a function "Serial number info". First, start manual data transfer on your device (this varies from device to device). You can find the appropriate manual for manual data transfer. Then start the function on the gateway "Experience serial number". The serial number will appear on your screen. If this serial number is not yet registered with you, the system will ask you if you want to register it. Serial number recognition is also possible via the fitmefit scale or fitmefit move app.

Schrittzähler: Warum kann ich nur einen Schrittzähler auf meinen Account eintragen?

You can only enter one pedometer per user on your account, otherwise there will be problems with the correct measurement of your results. If you want to replace your device, you must first delete the old device from your account before you can register the new one.

Schrittzähler: Was bedeutet die Funktion "Erinnerung an Bewegung" bei den smartLAB® walk P+ und smartLAB® walk B Schrittzählern?

When you turn on this function, you will hear a small beep every 15 minutes to remind you to move. However, this setting is only active between 9:00 and 20:00.

Schrittzähler: Wie kann ich die Tagesziele auf dem Schrittzähler einstellen?

The daily destinations are automatically transferred to the smartLAB® move, smartLAB® walk P+ and smartLAB® walk B devices via the portal. Your daily goal is set by the system based on your average. Depending on the setting of the device, you will be informed of the status. With the smartLAB® move, the status appears after tapping the device twice. The smartLAB® walk pedometers sound a beep.

Schrittzähler: Wieso wurde nur ein Teil meiner gelaufenen Schritte übertragen?

There may still be data on the hFon Collect or hFon collect home that will be transferred at a later time.

Was kann ich machen, wenn ich ein Gerät im Geräte Management gelöscht habe?

That is not a problem. Add the device again. Then everything should be set correctly. It is recommended to switch off and on the hFon collect home or the hLine Gateway software after registration after the serial number of the device has been entered.

Wie kann ich ein Gerät zu meinem Profil hinzufügen?

There are several ways to assign devices to your profile and depends on the gateway you are using. If you are using the PC Gateway or the fitmefit scale /move app, you can automatically add the devices to your profile through device detection. If you are using the hFon collect or hFon collect home, the devices must be manually entered into your profile. You can use Profile –> devices to manually enter the devices you are using. Enter the serial number of the device in the specified field. The system automatically detects which device it is and enters it accordingly in your device list. When you enter the scale, you will choose the correct user profile. This is important to ensure correct data transfer to your profile.

Wie registriere ich ein Gerät in das System?

You can manually enter the devices on the server through device management. You can also automatically register via the PC gateway. When the gateway detects a new device, the program asks you if you want to enroll that device. If you answer "yes," the device is automatically entered on the server. An automatic device entry to your profile via the fitmefit move or fitmefit scale APP is also possible.

Schrittzähler: Mein Schrittzähler überträgt Daten erfolgreich. Diese werden aber im Portal nicht angezeigt. Was nun?

Verify that the date and time setting is correct. Check that your gateway is working and that you are connected to the Internet.

Schrittzähler: Was bedeutet der Continuos Mode?

You can use the device settings to activate the Continous Mode of the pedometers. When a device is in Continous mode, it constantly tries to contact the gateway to transfer existing data. If there is no data, the device will not attempt to make a contact. This setting causes a regular exchange of data with the gateway. You can use the settings to determine when the Continous Mode should be activated. This option is particularly helpful when using a multigateway (e..B access points in the enterprise).

Schrittzähler: Welche Einstellungen können beim smartLAB® walk P+ und smartLAB® walk B vorgenommen werden?

When setting the smartLAB® walk P+ and smartLAB walk B devices, you can choose whether you want the status of the daily destinations in the form of sound signals or the reimpcurability by movement. To do this, go to Devices via Profile and select the appropriate device by clicking the serial number. Here you can now go to the settings options.

Schrittzähler: Wie signalisieren die smartLAB® walk P+ und smartLAB® walk B Schrittzähler den Status der Tagesziele?

When you reach 85% of the daily goal, 2 long sound signals come every 15 minutes. When the daily goal is reached, then 6 times long sound signals come. You can turn these functions on and off when you set the devices. They are switched off in the factory setting.

Warum muss ich bei manchen Geräten zusätzliche Informationen eintragen?

In order to enable the calculation of certain values, such as distance, calorie consumption, etc., the system or devices require certain information. These must be entered in the portal. As soon as you enter a device and these values are missing, you will be asked to enter the information in the fields afterwards.

Wenn ich Auto fahre zählt der Schrittzähler trotzdem mit. Was kann ich hier machen?

Our pedometers are very sensitive and can therefore count movements even during the car journey. However, you can adjust this through action status. The driver, who carries out an activity with energy consumption here, is still credited with a few calories. Otherwise, the promotion status Driving or passengers will delete all steps in time.

Wie kann ich sehen, ob das Gerät wirklich mit verbunden ist?

Go to "Profile" -> "Devices" to see your registered devices. The send status is visible in the middle. If it is green, then the device is connected. If it is yellow, it means that the device has not been connected for a while. If it is red then it means that it was not connected at all or there was no connection to the device for a long time.

Wo kann ich die Produkte kaufen?

You can buy the products in our hShop Online Shop

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