fitmefit –

Membership – General & Basic Account

Here you will find all important information about their basic membership

Membership – General & Basic Account

Mit wem kann ich Chatten?

You can only chat with fitmegos.

Warum erhalte ich keine E-Mails von

It is possible that the notification emails, or your report email from fi will end up in your spam folder. Please check this folder to see if the emails have landed there.

Warum wird auf der rechten Seite das "Erste Schritte"-Fenster angezeigt?

The "Get Started" window is designed to help you make several important settings in your profile after registration. The following points are displayed:
  • Profile: Here you can edit and change your profile information
  • Devices: Here you can enter your devices in the portal
  • Privacy: Below this point, you can adjust your privacy settings
  • Premium Account: If you have received a license key or would like to change your account to a Premium Account, you can do so via the link provided.
  • PC Gateway: Here you will see the direct download link for the PC Gateway
  • APP: Here you can see the links to the Android APP or iOS APP

Was ist der Fittip der Woche?

Each week, a tip is displayed on health, sports, nutrition or the anatomy of the body after logging in. Use the source information to find out where you can learn more about the topic.

Was ist ein Mentor?

A mentor is a caregiver for specific people. This can be a relati ve or even a doctor or trainer. The mentor can monitor people or make recommendations. The system does not make any recommendations.

Was sind fitmegos?

Fitmegos are your friends or other users that you voluntarily mark as such. Your privacy setting allows you to determine which content your fitmegos can and isn't allowed to see.

Wie bilde ich eine Gruppe?

Go to the "Groups" tab, click "New" and fill in the mask of the group.

Wie kann ich beim Chatten online bzw. offline gehen?

When you log in for the first time, you're online for the Chat and Video Conferencing feature. However, you can switch to offline by clicking "Go Away" during chat. Here, the video conference is automatically taken offline. The last setting after logging out is retained.

Wie werden Kalorien berechnet?

Calories are calculated by a specific formula (e.B. the Harris-Benedict formula). Important information for this is age, gender and height. Therefore, this information should be present in the profile.

Wieso kann ich nur einmal beim Gewinnspiel teilnehmen?

In order to guarantee equal opportunities, each user can only participate once per competition.

Wieso werden verbrauchte Kalorien angezeigt, obwohl noch keine Schritte übertragen wurden?

This is the basic calorie consumption. Every person consumes a certain number of calories per day, whether you move or not. The calories consumed by the steps are added to this value.

Route: Kann ich auch als Basis Mitglied eine Route laufen?

Yes, you can also run a route as a base member. However, to run a route challenge, you need a premium account.

Warum erscheint keine Distanz bei den Aktivitäten?

Presumably, the stride length is missing from the information of your health data. Enter your stride length in the appropriate field.

Was bedeutet METs?

This is the metabolic equivalent that illustrates how the basi c turnover increases through physical activity over a given period of time. 3 METs mean, for example, that your basic turnover has tripled within this time.

Was ist ein Bericht?

In your report, you will find your performance data. For example.B not only lists the steps taken or calories burned, but also shows a tendency (a comparison with the previous period). This is how you see how your services change.

Was sind Aerobic Schritte?

Aerobic mode is active if you walk at least 70 steps per minute for a period of at least ten minutes. These steps are then counted as aerobic steps. If you have less than 70 steps per minute for a short time with active aerobics mode, the aerobic mode will not be interrupted. (In aerobic mode you have the best fat burning.) These steps are not displayed on the pedometer itself, but they are listed as "aerobic steps" in the portal.

Welche Funktionen bietet der Basic Account?

Daily objective Monthly statisticsWei ght displayHear t measurement (with existing chest strap)Activ ities (steps, METS'S, calorie consumption, aerobic steps, distance and much more) Fittip of the We ekCommunit yPinnwand

Wie funktioniert: auf einer Pinnwand etwas veröffentlichen?

To post comments or other content on a wall, follow the path: Select a wall (e.B. "Pinnwand") -> enter text or upload image -> "Save"

Wie kann ich einen fitmego finden?

To find a fitmego on fitmefit, you have several options. You can search for his username, his real name, the city in which he lives, or you can search for him through his interests and see suggestions.

Wie werden Tagesziele auf fitmefit festgelegt?

Daily destinations are set automatically. These are your average values, which the system automatically determines based on the transmitted data.

Wieso werden meine Aerobic Minuten nicht sofort in meinem Profil angezeigt?

The calculation of the aerobic minutes is carried out after one hour after the end of the activity activity. The steps will then be displayed in your account accordingly.

Wo kann ich einstellen welche Inhalte meines Profils zu sehen sind?

Under "Profile -> Privacy" you can save all settings for your privacy.

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