hLine App –

Kitchen scales

Here you will find all the information about the kitchen scale functions of the app

Kitchen scales

What are the benefits of the kitchen scales section of the app?

  • Display of weight via the smartLAB kitchen W kitchen scales
  • Local storage of measured values on your smartphone or tablet
  • Manual weight entry possible
  • Calculation of daily calorie requirements according to generally applicable calorie requirements calculation
  • Calculation of nutritional values based on the measured weight of a foodstuff
  • Overview of calorie intake related to daily calorie requirements
  • Diary in which the diet is stored by time of day
  • 999 Food entered in database (extended in the next version)
  • Manually enter missing foods based on nutritional information
  • Manual registration of the food weight possible
  • Meal creation for simplified registration of food intake
  • Transfer of values to the diary of the main app

Can I add my own food?

Yes. If certain foods are not included in the stored food list, they can be entered and stored manually.

How does the weighing function work on the smartLAB kitchen W kitchen scales?

Turn on the device. Go to the kitchen scale section of the app. Place the food on the scale. The weight appears on the app. The transmission takes place via Bluetooth.

Where can I find the kitchen scales function?

On the overview page/diary at the bottom left there is an icon for the scale. Click this icon to see the functions for the kitchen scale.

Can I create my own food profiles?

Yes. In addition to storing the values associated with a selected food, the user can specify his own profile data, which allows the daily calorie requirement to be calculated. The user gets an overview of the calorie intake in connection with the daily calorie requirement.

How many foods are there in the app?

This app integrates a food database consisting of 999 foods.

Can I transfer the data from my kitchen scales to the diary?

Yes. When you save the data, it is entered in the diary.

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