hLine-Online –


Here you will find general information about the www.hLine-online.com portal


Warum erhalte ich keine E-Mails von hLine-Online.com?

It is possible that the email from hLine-Online.com will end up in your spam folder. Please check this folder to see if the emails have landed there.

Was kann ich machen, wenn ich ein Gerät im Geräte Management gelöscht habe?

That is not a problem. Add the device again. Then everything should be set correctly. It is recommended to switch off and on the hFon collect or the hLine Gateway software after registration.

Warum findet keine Datenübertragung mit dem hLine USB Adapter statt?

If you have installed the hLine Gateway software, a gray square will appear first in the taskbar (bottom right). If you plug the hLine ANT USB adapter into the PC, this box must change color in a few seconds and appear as a black square.

Wo kann ich die Produkte kaufen?

For this rare but possible case, there is a simple solution: push the battery compartment cover, remove the battery for about 10 seconds. Then re-insert and push the battery cover.

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+49 6203 8408846

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+49 6203 8408846


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