hLine-Online –

Device Management

Here you will find all important information about device management on hLine-Online.com

Device Management

Meine Seriennummer auf dem Gerät ist nicht mehr zu erkennen. Wie finde ich die Seriennummer meines Gerätes heraus?

On the PC Gateway there is a function "Serial number info". First, start manual data transfer on your device (this varies from device to device). You can find the appropriate manual for manual data transfer. Then start the function on the gateway "Experience serial number". The serial number will appear on your screen. If this serial number is not yet registered with you, the system will ask you if you want to register it.

Warum muss ich bei manchen Geräten zusätzliche Informationen eintragen?

In order to enable the calculation of certain values, such as distance, calorie consumption, etc., the system or devices require certain information. These must be entered in the portal. As soon as you enter a device and these values are missing, you will be asked to enter the information in the fields afterwards.

Was mache ich, wenn alle Seriennummern richtig eingetragen sind und trotzdem der Sendestatus rot bleibt?

Here you have to check if the hFon collect has mobile reception or if the hLine box is black for a PC solution. If this is the case, turn the hFon collect or hLine Gateway software off and on again. Then everything would have to work. It is important to note that the send status goes to green when the device sends data. This can be done by initializing or after sending data after a measurement.

Wie kann ich sehen, ob das Gerät wirklich mit hLine-Online.com verbunden ist?

Go to "Profile" -> "Devices" to see your registered devices. The send status is visible in the middle. If it is green, then the device is connected. If it is yellow, it means that the device has not been connected for a while. If it is red then it means that it was not connected at all or there was no connection to the device for a long time.

Waagen: Warum überträgt die Waage keine Daten obwohl alles richtig eingestellt ist?

When registering the scale in device management, there is also a user profile number here. Before you step on the scale, check which user profile number is set. You can do this by touching "Set" on the right side of the scale. The user profile number must match the one in the system.

Was kann ich machen, wenn ich ein Gerät im Geräte Management gelöscht habe?

That is not a problem. Add the device again. Then everything should be set in a good way. The hFon collect or the hLine Gateway software can be switched off and on again.

Wie kann ich ein Gerät zu meinem Profil hinzufügen?

There are several ways to assign devices to your profile and depends on the gateway you are using. If you are using the PC Gateway or fitmefit Android app, you can automatically add the devices to your profile through device detection. If you are using the hFon collect, hFon collect home or the fitmefit iOS app, your devices must be manually integrated into your profile. You can use Profile –> devices to manually enter the devices you are using. Enter the serial number of the device in the specified field. The system automatically detects which device it is and enters it accordingly in your device list. When you enter the scale, you will choose the correct user profile. This is important to ensure correct data transfer to your profile.

Wie registriere ich ein Gerät in das System?

You can manually enter the devices on the server through Device Management. You can also automatically register via the PC gateway. When the gateway detects a new device, the program asks you if you want to enroll that device. If you answer "yes," the device is automatically entered on the server.

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