hLine-Online –

Technical questions

Here you will find the most common technical questions about the www.hLine-online.com portal

Technical questions

Die Datenübertragung hat einmal nicht funktioniert?

The data processing of the devices to the gateways sometimes does not work. It may be that the hFon collect is not near or off. Or: The PC is not switched on or the hLine ANT USB adapter is not plugged in. This is no problem with all devices except the scale. The data is stored on the devices and transferred at the next measurement.

Was ist ANT?

ANT is a radio network standard. Devices require less than 50 mW of p ower when receiving or transmitning, i.e.  the electricity demand is very low. It allows wireless data transfer from your devices to your portal.

Wie oft werden die Daten übertragen?

Data is transmitted at different times. With the smartLAB walk+/ walk B/ walk P+ pedometer, the data is transmitted every 10 minutes.There is also the possibility to activate Continous Mode on some devices. When enabled, the device is constantly trying to send data. You can decide for yourself if and when the Continous Mode should be activated. To do this, go to Profile –> devices and select the device you want to customize by clicking the respective serial number. For all other devices (e.B. smartLAB® fit+) immediately after the measurement.

Schrittzähler: Wieso wurde nur ein Teil meiner gelaufenen Schritte übertragen?

There may still be data on the hFon collect that will be transferred at a later time.

Was ist Bluetooth® Smart/ BLE?

BLE stands for Bluetooth® Low Energy, a wireless wireless technology that, amo ng other things, enables wireless data transmission. BLE sends in the 2.4 GHz range and consumes less energy than the traditional Bluetooth.

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